The Heart of Herban Market
The Hogancamp Family
The year was 2014. And by all the typical measures, Matt and Ashlea Hogancamp were living the American dream.
They were young professionals and new parents to a beautiful baby girl. They had bought a home in a neighborhood of Houston, Texas before it got popular and now it was booming.
Ashlea had recently returned from maternity leave to her 70+-hour-a-week position at an architecture firm where she was managing multiple high-value projects. And, in a company where 30-something female partners were unheard of, she was on-track for just that. The only problem was, to work like she had pre-baby was…not working.
Matt, meanwhile, was “dying in a cubicle,” as Ashlea describes. While his hours weren’t as extreme as his wife’s, he definitely wasn’t doing anything close to the kind of work that set his heart on fire. He felt the lifestyle weighing him down, literally and figuratively.
Every night Matt and Ashlea felt the struggle to figure out a dinner that met their standards for quality, but also get home and enjoy a little time with their five-month-old daughter before kissing her goodnight. A daily juggle every health-conscious working parent can relate to.
One particular October evening as they stood in the kitchen, exhausted and trying to figure out the daily what’s-for-dinner question, Ashlea reached her breaking point over a bottle of sauce, of all things. After purchasing said sauce, she did some digging on the sourcing. It turned out to be the exact same thing as a generic-labeled big box store version.
“I could have gotten the same thing for a fraction of the price,” Ashlea remembers. “That extra money was for pretty packaging and marketing.”
It was a classic case of “greenwashing.”
In her frustration, Ashlea told Matt “there should be a place where busy, working parents can go where when you spend a dollar, you know it’s worth a dollar!”
Matt’s eyes lit-up as he replied, “that’s what we should do. We should open a health store.”
That night they envisioned creating a place people could come and trust the sourcing. Where every ingredient and product had already been vetted.
Ashlea imagined the idea might end there. They had careers going and everything was on the “right track.” But with Matt’s persistence, Ashlea realized there was no getting out of this one.
That next year, God continued to nudge them in the direction of starting the health food market. What, on-paper, seemed insurmountable kept aligning for them.
They decided on Franklin, TN. It was within a day’s drive of both sides of their families in Kentucky, and had small town charm plus international taste. It was a place in which they could envision raising their daughter.
The Hogancamps sold their Houston home, most of their possessions, quit their jobs, and decided to put everything into this new dream.
They would call it Herban Market.
Inspired by the European lifestyle of buying fresh and only what you planned to use that day, the name represented a combination of being part urban-hustle-and-bustle and part farmers’ market know-your-farmer vibes
Just one year later, on October 26th 2015, the Hogancamps were opening the doors of Herban Market; a health food store, grocery, olive oil and balsamic bar, and coffee shop.
The demand for more food offerings was immediate and Matt’s knack for cooking had him whipping up paninis and soups for their customers.
A local Chef came on board part-time the week before Herban Market’s second birthday. He helped the Hogancamps develop a small menu to add to their coffee bar offering.
As business grew, their back office and back stock room also became a bakery and food prep area. And their "Barbie doll kitchen," as they lovingly referred to it, was bursting at the seams.
Within two years, plans for expansion were underway - in their business and their family.
The space next door to the market had become available and the Hogancamps decided to take the leap. With Ashlea's background in architecture, they hit the drawing board with plans to add a full commercial kitchen, salad and pizza bar, wine bar, and more seating.
Meanwhile, Ashlea was expecting baby number two!
Their son, Jude, was born in July of 2018 and the construction project broke-ground in October of that same year. By mid-2019, the new space opened, doubling the footprint of Herban Market.
Since opening, the demand for growth has been consistent.
Often, new customers walk in and ask where they can find other locations of Herban Market. But the truth is, the story of Herban Market is as organic as the produce on the shelves.
It started with a need, then a vision, and then a lot of hard work. There’s no secret investor, nor a secret to their success.
And, just like the holistic approach to health that inspired the Hogancamps in the first place, there are no short-cuts. Instead, it’s the slow-and-steady approach that has made them beloved among their customers. The care they pour-in day after day.
It continues to be a labor of love. When you walk in the doors of Herban Market, you feel that love. You might even see Matt and Ashlea’s kids running down the aisles (try as they might to remind them to “walk please!”).
All these years later, the Hogancamps are still just two working parents with the same question to ask at the end of each day - “what’s for dinner?!” But the difference now is, they have that market they were looking for. One where they can trust the sourcing, the ingredients, the quality, and the care that goes into each and every item.
In building the market they needed, they also built something they didn’t expect to - a community of equally caring people and families. A hub of conversations that promote health on every level: mind, body, and spirit.
It’s not a coincidence that the idea for Herban Market was born in the heart of the home - the kitchen.
When asked if there’s anything she would tell her past self, Ashlea pauses for a moment…
“Would you do it all over again?” I ask.
“Yes,” she replies with certainty. “I wouldn’t tell myself how hard it was going to be. I would tell myself to trust in God’s plan more.”

Our Story

". . . because health is worth committing to and investing in."
- Ashlea Hogancamp
Co-Founder, Herban Market
Meet Chef Bobby Benjamin
Where were you born?
Providence, Rhode Island.
What brought you to HM?
Jesus. A week before Thanksgiving 2022.
What is your role at HB?
Executive Chef and Operations Director.
Tell us about your...
Family: Married with four daughters.
Hobbies: Cooking.
Inspiration: I have always loved being around food. As a teenager I studied under a mother/daughter team at Bell Buckle Cafe. When I was exposed to something nice or better, I was hooked. Especially when it came to food and ingredients. As I got older, I built relationships with farmers. I knew they worked hard. I have always been inspired to showcase their stories through dishes that respect culture, ingredients, and the farmers.
What's your favorite food?
Whatever I'm cooking.
Favorite drink?
I love wine, coffee, fresh-pressed juice, great beer. It's seasonal and dependent on what I'm eating.

Where were you born?
Bakersfield, California.
What brought you to HM?
Quality and community. I had been in the hospitality/coffee world for nearly two decades. Herban was my family's place. Seeing how I could help my favorite local restaurant, I came on part-time in the fall of 2021.
What is your role at HB? How do you contribute to HM's "why?"
General Manager. Providing excellent experience within an inviting and safe place to enjoy quality food with an amazing community.
Tell us about your...
Family: Married to my amazing wife Kelly for almost 14 years. We have two beautiful girls, Olive and Lola.
Hobbies: Acquiring tattoos. I have found it a fun way to express myself and showcase artistic talent.
What's your favorite food?
Tacos. Mexican food.
Favorite drink?
Anything from sweet and bubbly to strong and bitter. Chances are you will find me with a variety of beverages no matter where I'm at!

Chef Erick Del Valle
Where were you born?
Carcas, Venezuela.
What brought you to HM?
I knew Chef Bobby prior to coming to HM. I wanted to continue to learn and thought it was a great opportunity to keep growing professionally.
What is your role at HB? How do you contribute to HM's "why?"
Chef de Cuisine. Helping to build a stronger culture amongst our team and a focus on hospitality with our guests.
Tell us something we might not know about you...
I used to be a DJ. When I lived in Argentina, I played at parties and clubs. I loved seeing people have fun. My favorite music to play is electronic house music.
What's your favorite food?
Mediterranean. I love the flavors, techniques, intentionality, and focus on seasonal ingredients.
Favorite drink?

Where were you born?
Eugene, Oregon.
What brought you to HM?
Alignment with my values around quality food sourcing, ingredients, and products. I quickly fell in love with Herban Market when I moved to Franklin in fall 2020.
What is your role at HB? How do you contribute to HM's "why?"
I wear a few hats - Wellness Manager sourcing the best in supplements, body, beauty, and home. Helping customers find what they need has to be my favorite part of my job. I also help with hiring, training, and marketing.
Tell us about your family/hobbies/inspirations.
All things food and home. My favorite hobby is anything involved with taking care of my two-year-old son. I love to cook. I’ll get inspired by a recipe and then make it my own. This means I'm a decent cook (and not the best baker), lol.
What's your favorite food?
French food. I love butter, beef, bread, stinky cheeses, rich flavors and sauces.
Favorite drink?
Strong espresso over ice with a splash of water, drizzle of honey and cream.

Where were you born?
Memphis, Tennessee.
What brought you to HM?
I met Matt & Ashlea when they were still considering locations for HM. I was at work at a local market. They asked me about kefir and they told me about their idea. I stumbled upon their business card months later and reached out. At that point, they had just got the space that would become HM. It still smelled of bike tires! I started a few weeks prior to opening and have worked for them ever since.
What is your role at HB? How do you contribute to HM's "why?"
Inventory Manager.
I vet products and search for quality farming practices for everything that goes on our market.
Tell us about a little bit more about Justin outside of Herban...
I am a musician who collects musical instruments. I guess you could call me a hybrid between technology nerd, mountain man, and musician.
What's your favorite food?
It's a tie between Thai, Indian, and pizza!
Favorite drink?
Cold brew coffee with cream. No sugar, no ice.

Our leadership and our entire team at Herban Market are passionate, mission-driven, and servant-hearted to serve our community the highest quality food, beverage, and service!
Chef Nate
Where were you born?
Carthage, Missouri.
What brought you to HM?
An opportunity to explore baking in a Christian environment, using the cleanest and freshest ingredients. I came on board in December 2022.
What is your role at HB? How do you contribute to HM's "why?"
Pastry Chef. I have a passion for team building. I love to help our team in baking knowledge and techniques, always aiming to provide the best baked goods in our area.
Tell us about your family/hobbies/inspirations.
I'm the middle child of three. We always worked with our hands and that inspired me to choose this profession and has influenced my hobbies; oil painting, pottery, gardening, interior decorating. What I find inspiring is watching others work with their hands and master their craft.
What's your favorite food?
A gnocchi dish I first had prepared by Chef Bobby with oyster mushrooms, chicken jus, and Parmesean.
Favorite drink?
Double espresso with a side of sparkling water...or a Bee's Knees martini.